
The Italian Forum Piazza is the forum for community and cultural activities. With the involvement of local council, there is an exciting opportunity to establish a community garden within the Piazza. Our goal is to involve the residents and local community, including local schools, to manage and reap the benefits of this garden’s produce and beauty.

Where rainwater is currently drained away, plans are underway to capture this water in order to sustainably irrigate the gardens.

Building Management is also in the process of installing energy efficient lighting across the building. It is estimated that this will save approximately 400,000 kilowatts of electricity, equivalent to nearly 400 tonnes of carbon each year!

Another energy efficiency programme currently under planning stage is the installation of solar panels on the roof of the building, which has enormous potential to bring the Italian Forum closer to being carbon neutral.

Around Us


An updated list of the current restaurants and businesses and their trading hours can be found on the Italian Forum website, at the following link: < >. These businesses frequently offer specials to residents only, which are advertised on the website.


In addition to the restaurants and businesses, the Italian Forum is also home to Leichhardt Library, which contains a wealth of historical documents regarding the Leichhardt local Government area and regularly holds public events and workshops.

Adjacent the library is the Leichhardt Early Childhood Centre.

Landlords & Agents

For any property management maintenance requests, please contact the building manager. Apartments at the Italian Forum are managed by various real estate agencies. Should you have a query about renting, we suggest you contact the local agents.

Events Committee

The Italian Forum Community Events Committee was formed in collaboration with the various stakeholders at the Italian Forum including the residents, businesses, local community members, ACA, Co.As.It. as well as input from local and state Government. The Committee operates on a volunteer basis with contribution from the various members involved in its establishment.

The Committee aims to collaborate with the various stakeholders surrounding the Italian Forum, to promote community cooperation and involvement through the operation of events, community gardens and other cultural activities surrounding the cultural center and the Piazza.

The current major project is the establishment of the community gardens. Its statement of intent is to provide a shared garden for residents and businesses to grow fresh, nutritious produce as well as educating people on sustainable living. A place where locals and visitors can appreciate the beautiful surroundings, relax in the gardens and build relationships; the gardens will provide seating amongst the greenery. Harvesting their own food, locals will also be reducing their carbon footprint by reducing packaged materials.

The Forum Community Committee holds meetings every two months in the Cultural Centre, hosted by ACA. These meetings are for the planning and organization of the Committee’s statement of intent.

All members of the community are welcome to join the Committee. To become a member of the Forum Community Committee, please contact us.

Building Manager

The appointed Building Manager for the Owners Corporation of Strata Plan 60918 is Noble Management Group Generally, any queries should be directed to the Building Manager in the first instance. The Building Manager typically manages the following:

  • management of common property
  • controlling the use of common property by tradespersons and other non-residents
  • the maintenance and repair of common property.

For any urgent or after-hours emergencies, please see our recommended service suppliers.
For any queries about security during the day, please contact the Building Manager, in the first instance. For after-hours security queries, please contact Wilson Security on 1300 945 766. Wilson Security are on-site from 5:00pm until 6:00am, seven days a week.
In an emergency, please contact the emergency services on 000.

The Building Manager’s Office is located on Level 1 Suite 47, 23 Norton Street Leichhardt, and can be contacted via the following:

Strata Manager

The appointed Strata Manager for the Owners Corporation of Strata Plan 60918 at the Italian Forum is Premium Strata Pty Ltd

Premium Strata Pty Ltd carries out many of the functions, duties or powers of the Owners Corporation including administrative matters such as calling meetings and collecting levies. They also provide advice and guidance about legislative requirements.

Generally, any queries should be directed to the Building Manager in the first instance. If necessary, your query will be passed on to the Strata Manager. As a tenant, generally all queries should come through your property manager.

For assistance with matters relating to the Strata you can contact:

Licensed Strata Manager
Premium Strata Pty Ltd
Suite 3, Level 2
189 O’Riordan Street
Mascot NSW 2020
Tel 02 9281 6440 / Fax 02 9211 5642

You can find out more about Owners Corporations at the NSW Government Office of Fair Trading.

Strata Committee

The Strata Committee (SC) consists of 7 members of the Owners Corporation. The SC acts on behalf of all members of the Owners Corporation. The Strata Committee serves the Owners Corporation and represents owners or owners’ nominees to administer the day-to-day running of the Strata scheme. It makes decisions about managing the funds of the Owners Corporation and the management of the Common Property for the benefit of all members of the Owners Corporation. The SC meets approximately 6 times a year for this purpose.

It administers the day-to-day running of the Strata scheme and is elected at each Annual General Meeting (AGM). The Owners Corporation decides the number of Strata Committee members for the coming year at each AGM. The Strata Committee has employed a Strata Manager and Building Manager to carry out some of the responsibilities of the Strata Committee on behalf of the Owners Corporation.

The Strata Committee is elected at each Annual General Meeting (AGM). It can have up to nine members and, once elected, decides who is to hold the office-bearer positions of chair, secretary and treasurer. The AGM for Strata Plan 60918 is normally scheduled in November each year.
Minutes from the most recent Strata Committee meeting are posted on the Italian Forum notice board, which is located in the mail room on level B1 of the car park near the exit to Balmain Road. The Agenda and Minutes from the most recent meeting will be available to owners via a link on this website shortly, along with archived copies of the Strata Committee Agendas, Minutes and financial statements.

You can find out more about Owners Corporations at the NSW Government Office of Fair Trading.

Owners Corporation

There are 157 lots in the Italian Forum Strata, and each owner is a member of the Owners Corporation. This is a legal entity that manages the Common Property for the benefit of all members of the Owners Corporation (Strata Plan 60918). The Owners Corporation has responsibility for the overall management of the scheme which includes:

  • maintaining and repairing the common property of the Strata scheme
  • managing the finances of the Strata scheme
  • taking out insurance for the Strata scheme
  • keeping records and accounts for the Strata scheme
  • administering the by–laws for the Strata scheme
  • employment of a Strata Managing Agent and/or Building Manager

The Owners Corporation can only make decisions at properly convened meetings. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is held once a year. Extraordinary General Meetings can be held at any other time. The Owners Corporation may employ a Strata Managing Agent or Building Manager / caretaker to work for it. These agents are delegated some responsibilities and powers but the Owners Corporation has the final responsibility and can overrule them.

You can find out more about Owners Corporations at the NSW Government Office of Fair Trading.